I broke up with the Instagram algorithm.

My relationship was too toxic to continue existing in it. Others may have no problem catering to its whims, but frankly, I’m SICK OF IT.

I’m sick of its selfish, ever-changing nature that exists  to benefit Meta, but in doing so, frustrates and upsets authentic creators on a daily basis.

I’m sick of the desperation I see in creators’ posts as they strive to keep up with Instagram’s fluctuating temper. Are you posting this because you want to, or because you think it’s going to get the algorithm on your side and gain you more likes and followers? I’ve been that desperate creator before, and know the feeling of posting something and spending the next hour refreshing and refreshing it in the hopes that it will go viral. Not. Healthy!

I’m sick of people not actually reading captions that I spend time ruminating over, in order to bring what I believe to be authentic, interesting, fun content. I can’t tell you how many times I write a thoughtful caption and then see comments simply stating “beautiful capture!”. Yes, it may be a great picture, and I do appreciate your sentiment, BUT DID YOU ACTUALLY READ MY WORDS, SHELBY????

No. No, you didn’t. 

You simply posted a two-word comment in the hopes that I’ll return the favor and post back on yours to help YOUR engagement. I’m sick of that selfishness…and I hate that I can say that I’m guilty of doing it, too.*

*Important note: I have many AMAZING friends who read and comment authentically. I also know there are times where authentic users don’t have time to read a caption, but still want to support friends with a quick comment. To those people- and for those moments- I love you for being wonderful, real, and supportive.

The complaints above, I know, are my issues. Not Instagram’s. Not other users’. You gotta play the game to get results, right?

So yes, I take 100% of the blame for these gripes. But I still ended my relationship with the algorithm.

However (there’s always a however with these things, right?), the algorithm is simply one (very controlling) part of Instagram. Remember, the basic idea of the app when it was first launched was giving users the ability to create and share images within one’s own niche. 

When I think about that fundamental concept, and the niche I’ve been creating for myself, it still brings me joy. I’d debated deleting my account entirely, but I realized I didn’t have to sacrifice what brought me joy simply because of one selfish component. So, I scrapped the idea of total annihilation and did the next best thing:

I took an Instagram detox.

Like any toxic relationship, I fought urges at the beginning. I worked to suppress the tightness in my chest that had become an ever-present harbinger, telling me that I HAD to post every day, and that I’d lose followers if I didn’t, and I need to be FOCUSED ON GROWTH.

As the days passed, and I focused not on Instagram growth, but instead on personal growth, the urges subsided. I’ve been taking steps to better myself: waking up early, drinking more water, working out daily. And now, to each of those urges, I can (still somewhat shakily) say: “SO WHAT?”.

So what if none of my next 1000 posts go viral? Did I do my best to bring myself and others authentic joy in what I created? Did I use my platform to spread happiness and positivity? That, my friends, is the good stuff. If the algorithm can’t see that, then maybe its creators need to do their own detox to remember what really matters in the end (hint: it’s not fame and money).

So what if I don’t post every day and lose followers? They clearly only wanted my follow back, because if they liked my content, they’d still be sticking it out while I was on hiatus.

So what if I don’t listen to every “Influencer Expert” and “DO THESE FIVE THINGS TO INCREASE YOUR GROWTH”? Every year I tell my students that there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for everyone to learn. Now, I’m realizing, that applies in the adult world, too. 

I wish that I could say with complete certainty that the chest tightness and stress will never return again as Teach.Explore.Repeat 2.0 is launched, but the truth is, I don’t know what will happen. I don’t want that stress to return, and will do everything in my power to prioritize what I’ve done and learned in this detox. 

But guess what? If it does return, I’ll take another break and fix my plan of action. As Peloton instructors say, we’re over here striving for “progress, not perfection”.

SO, to end this rant (if you’ve made it this far, congrats and ILY), let me present my plan of action going forward:

  1. Continue creating authentic seasonal and travel content, because it brings me joy. 
  2. Post when I WANT to, not because I feel the URGE to. Some weeks that may be every day, and others, maybe not at all. If I have something I want to post, I’ll post. If I don’t…sorry chest pressure and urges, but I won’t.
  3. Shorter Insta captions, but more blog posts. I created @teach.explore.repeat because I believe in my ability to write. I’d love to make it a profession one day. However, I’ve done very little to further this goal. Sure, I’ve gotten some cool products and partnerships, but has it helped me as a writer? Nope!
  4. While we’re on the subject of collabs: I’m finishing out partnerships I’ve established, but I now refuse to say yes to everything legit that comes my way. I’m going to work only with businesses that bring me joy, and that I fully support. The primary focus of @teach.explore.repeat is creating a community of trust, authenticity, and fun-  making money and getting free stuff is secondary to that.

So, here we go! I hope that you’ll continue to join me as @teach.explore.repeat 2.0 is launched, just in time for the BER months to arrive!

(What are the BER months, you may ask? That’s an explanation for the next post. Stay tuned!)

‘til next time,


About Author

Social studies teacher with a PhD in wanderlust

Exploring the world's small towns, big cities, and everything in between

Among the very young at heart

Adventure with me:

Instagram: @teach.explore.repeat
Twitter: @TeachExploreRpt


  1. Excellent blog post Lau! You expressed my feelings to a Tee. I feel that my posts aren’t even shown most times.
    I don’t know what has happened, I don’t keep up and at this point I can’t be bothered.
    I came back from my long break because I missed my online friendships and sharing special moments but it does make me wonder sometimes if I will continue or not.
    Thanks for sharing. BTW keep up with your writing, it’s a gift.

    1. It’s frustrating! I’m so glad that you came back from your break, but I completely understand the debate over continuing to put the effort into it. I wish the algorithm creators would get Instagram back to how it used to be, though I’m sure it’s long gone. I hope that you stick around- we can be frustrated together! Thank you so much for your kind words, too!!

  2. Hello Lau,

    I have not spent much time on Insta yet but these are exactly my feelings. Thank you for sharing this, it makes me feel validated.


    1. Hi Swati,

      I’m so glad you were able to connect with this, though I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling the same things. It’s tough! I’ve been taking a lot of breaks but I miss being on Instagram more, so I’m still working on finding that happy medium! Looking forward to supporting you on your journey 🙂

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